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Alpha Base MkII serious bug on storing  05.01.2025 23:50
Happy New Year!

Attention Alpha Base MkII users! we have encountered a silly bug that applies to all versions ever since its release in october 24.

First off, my apologies for that!

While you are storing a preset or pattern, no matter which way, and you are sending midi events (especially clock) AT THE SAME TIME to the CLASSIC midi port, the flash memory routine might hang up the whole machine and result in damadged presets. This doesn't apply for the USB midi core.

This happens for instance if you have synced the machine to the classic midi port and you want to store while it's running.

We are working hard to fix this strange bug, but we haven't suceeded yet. As a workaround please make sure that while you are storing no midi events are sent to the classic midi in of the machine.
This applies not only for notes or CCs but also for clock, MTC or active sensing which might be sent without that the sequencer is running.

Scrambled presets or patterns can be recovered by the ABPR0000.BIN and ABSQ0000.BIN files in the zip folder on the product page. Copy them to the provided SD card and load them in as described in the DISK section of the manual.

Once you've loaded them, store the whole RAM with shift 1 or 3, only this function stores the whole RAM to the flash memory.

Again, my deepest apologies! J. Michaelis